6-Sept-2002 Field Notes
Breezy and mild, storm seems to be clearing out. First signals of the day were between 0930 and 1100, when I began picking up Y-190 and Or-212 to my NW. A visit by Ventura condor staffers Bronwyn Davies, Dinese Stockton, Mike Stockton and Mike Barth made for some much needed excitement and condor talk at the Lookout today. Mike Barth and I ran signals off and on throughout the day. Beginning at 1100, we had Y-192, Or-212, B-171, and B-164 to our NW , and R-111, Y-125, and B-155 to our SE. The Hopper birds gave us intermittent signals until about 1345, and seemed to be localized to the SE. A cell call from Hopper staffer Tessa on McPherson Pk confirmed that R-111 was somewhere between us. I continued to track Y-192, Or-212,B-171,and B-164 until 1900, at times getting very strong signals almost due W of the Lookout. Its possible they were out over SLO or Edna Valley for a time, and they seemed to hug the Santa Lucias as they eventually moved back up NW. -PDA