4-Sept-2002 Field Notes
Woke to heavy skies and forecasts for light sprinkles and scattered showers. Feeling like SEEING condors for a change, I headed out to the Carrizo Plain in search of W-100, Y-213, and B-155. Between 1041 and 1105, had strong signals for B-155 and W-100 from Hwy 58, appx 5 mi. N of Ca. Valley.The birds seemed to be to my SE, likely S of Castle Crags by that time. Drove out Poza Rd toward Castle Crags, then down to the Soda Lake OP, checking for signals along the way. After a few more calls to Genie, who was to my S by that time, it was evident that the birds had already moved on. Oh well, it was a gorgeous day on the Plain. Returned to the Lookout by 1730, following a brief but wonderful cloud burst down at the station, just in time to track Y-192,B-171,B-164, and Or-212 on their evening forays. Or-212 and B-171 were strong to my N, just off Black Mt. The others were somewhere off the Santa Lucias. My last signals were at 1910, when I lost B-171 near Castle Crags and the rest of the group to my distant NW. -Paul Andreano