Monday, September 23, 2002

23-Sept-2002 Field Notes

Another hot and gusty day on Hi Mt. Winds hard from the SE to 32mph and temps in high 80’s by 0730! First signals were at 0807, when I had Y-125 strong and directly off of Black Mt. He continued to soar in this area until about 0930, when I lost his signal. At 0807 I also had some strong and close signals from Y-190, Y-194, and Y-192 at 320ºNW. I felt like they could be down near Atascadero and at times I would lose their signals for a few minutes, eventually regaining them in the same location. At 1042 I had a few strong and consistent signals from R-111 at 100ºE, then lost her altogether. At 1230, Nick Todd called from Atascadero. He had been mobile tracking and found Y-194 perched in a pine at the intersection of Capistrano St. and Sycamore Ave. He also had signals down there from Y-192 and Y-190. At 1330, Nick called again to say that 194 had taken flight and was headed SE of him. Betweem 1430 and 1910, Y-194 , Y-190, and Y-192 continued to alternate soaring and perching between 320ºNW and 340ºN/NW,often seeming to move over Creston and Shandon. I began to get some signals from B-155 at 1405, in the direction of the Sierra Madre at 100ºE. Y-125 was sending distant, weak and inconsistent signals to my NE. By 1529,Y-15 and B-155 were both strong at 80ºNE, hading north, possibly toward the Calientes. By my last round of signals at 1910, I had lost Y-125 to my NE, B-155 had turned south and was faint at 120ºSE, and Y-192,Y-190, and Y-194 were strong and broad on the back side of the Cuesta Ridge. They could have been anywhere between Cerro Alto and Santa Margarita. -Paul Andreano