Tuesday, September 3, 2002

3-Sept-2002 Field Notes

No wind or clouds today. HOT and the best visibility in at least 2 weeks.Cone Pk looming clearly in the NW and the Sierra Madres clear to the S. Started the day at 0937 with signals from Y-192 at 320° NW and B-155 at 130°SE. Spoke to Genie, then on McPherson Pk, and she was also getting signals from B-155, somewhere on the Sierra Madre. By 1030, Or-212 was very near the Lookout, giving signals that were very strong, broad and consistent.Y-192, Or-204, Or-199, and Or-208 ventured S out of the NW  and must have been out over Atascadero or Creston between 1225 and 1519. Followed B-155 as she moved N up toward Castle Crags, and had strong signals for her off the Pozo summit between 1300 and 1407. Another call from Genie at 1400 confirmed B-155’s location with a visual from Bitterwater Rd. in Ca. Valley. There were several min of strong signals from B-155 when she was out of my line of sight, just behind the La Panzas but high up. Between 1100 and 1400, B-155 had moved from 130° SE to 360°N! Had intermittent signals between 1540 and 1725 for Hopper’s Y-213 and W-100, also in the Castle Crags vicinity. Continued to trade cell calls with Genie into the evening. She had had a few visuals and strong signal sfrom Y-213, W-100,and B-155 near Castle Crags as well. Looks like at least 3 birds are spending the night on the Crags. Signals for Or-212 continued strong and consistent in the NW until 1810. Went to sleep under gathering cloud cover and a feeling of rain in my bones. - Paul Andreano