1-Sept-2002 Field Notes
Moderately breezy and the best visibility in many days from the Lookout. Signals started early (0900) as Y-190 began to soar out of the Ventana wilderness. By 1110, I was also tracking Y-194, Or-209, and Or-212 to my NW. At times it felt like they had fanned out over Chalome Hills or Shandon, and I continued to strain for a visual. By 1315, I had also picked up B-168,B-164, B-167,and Or-204 to my NW, where the remained all day. At 1117, I started picking up Y-125 at 100° NE, in the vacinity of Branch Mt. Seems he had moved out of the Castle Crags area, where he may have spent the night, and I was able to follow him until 1552,whenI lost him at 90° E. Spoke to Genie intermittently throughout the day. she had been getting signals from Caliente Pk and Branch Mt, down towards Cuyama. -PDA