Sunday, September 15, 2002

15-Sept-2002 Field Notes

First signals of the day were at 0630 from, you guessed it, Y-194 at 360°N. Evidently she had a nice stay near Castle Crags and was up and soaring by 0830. The early morning was wrought with gusty, warm winds and a thin layer of high clouds stretched S from the upper Salinas Valley. Y-194 seemed to be exploring the locale, and I had her at 0945 off the Cuesta ridge,then at 1030 back off Black Mt, and by 1140 she was out over Shandon, I believe. She continued to crisscross the valley several times until I lost her on the Santa Lucias at 1750. B-164 remained moderate and consistent at 320°NW almost all day long. At 1257 I had a few very strong, very inconsistent signals from Hopper birds B-155 and  B-202. They seemed to be near Castle Crags, and the brief signals were from 60° N. I later had weaker signals from these 2 birds in the same location between 1540and 1555. Y-192, Or-212, and Or-199 remained to my distant NW all afternoon. Around 1440, they were joined by B-167 who was soaring at 320°NW. Last signals of the day were at 1800, when I had a few inconsistent and moderate signals from Y-213, possible near Lion Cn at 100° E. -PDA