Wednesday, September 18, 2019

18th Annual Open House / Campout Saturday, October 5th, 2019

Activities, beginning at 12 noon after the morning bird watching field trip, include introductions, condor program updates, lookout tours, and guided field trips. In the evening there will be a potluck dinner, evening program presentations, star gazing, and an optional overnight campout.

Visitors will find parking available close to the lookout throughout the day. Attendees are responsible for their own transportation. Note: high clearance vehicles such as trucks and SUVs are required for the unpaved 6-mile drive from Pozo to Hi Mountain – there are stretches of rough road conditions with deep ruts along the way!

Read through the pdf below for a detailed schedule of events, hope yop see you there!


Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Hi Mountain Condor Lookout Picnic & Social Event Saturday May 4, 2019, 11am – 3pm

Hi Mountain Condor Lookout Picnic & Social Event
Saturday May 4, 2019
11am – 3pm

The event includes condor radio tracking demonstrations, native plant/wildflowers identification, birdwatching/bird vocalizations, geographical landmarks and local geology .

Bring a picnic lunch, snacks, and beverages. Families with children are welcome. Dogs must be on a leash at all times.
Note: High clearance vehicles are required – the road is driveable but rough in places with several deep ruts to be navigated over and around.

Visit the Hi Mountain Lookout Facebook page at

RSVP’s not required but appreciated - please contact Steve Schubert by e-mail at: