Wednesday May 28, 2003: This week Joan Carter and her extremely well- behaved dog Mika accompanied me to the lookout. We picked up signals from OR204, a four year old male Condor. Based on the direction of the signals, he appears to have flown from the vicinity of Hopper Mt.
(in the south), proceeding north, to the west of the lookout, perhaps over Cuesta Grade, then to the Atascadero area. We lost the signal at about 1330 hours and I’m assuming he flew on up to the Ventana area. Eating lunch has become a chanllange; the bug population REALLY insists that we share our fare with them. Very friendly crew. Another indication that summer has arrived: The Farewell-to-Spring flowers have replaced the Lupines and simply COVER the banks of the road!
Take care ’til next week…