Thursday, May 1, 2003

Hi notes

Spent the day at the lookout Wednesday, April 30. It was another
beautiful day and a perfect ending to April. The meadows just past
the Pozo Ranger Station are blanketed with Lupine and Owl’s Clover
and on the road to the lookout, Prickly Flox, Indian Paint Brush,
Hummingbird Sage, Sticky Monkey Flower and many other flowers are
still putting on a show.
One Condor, B170, sent strong signals, initially from the east, then
heading north, from 1400 to 1600 hours. This is a male condor,
released in December 1997. We can wish him happy hatchday in three
weeks: He was hatched May 23, 1997.
Had an interesting visit from a retired SLO County judge and his
friend who had hiked up from the Lopez Lake junction. These two guys
hike together all over California (including Mt. Whitney), various
other states and other countries!
Steve Schubert has some lookout activities planned for May and June,
so watch for his notices.
Bye ’til next installment.