Come and discover one of the largest and most endangered flying birds of North America. California Condors are radio tracked from Hi Mountain Lookout, flying near release sites in Big Sur and Pinnacles National Park in Central California and the Bitter Creek and Hopper Mountain National Wildlife Refuges in Southern California. This is an opportunity for you to learn more about condor biology and the reintroduction of these magnificent birds back to the wild.
The Hi Mountain Lookout Project was founded in 1996 and is a collaboration between Morro Coast Audubon Society, the U.S. Forest Service at Los Padres National Forest, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service California Condor Recovery Program, the Cal Poly Biological Sciences Department, Ventana Wildlife Society, and Pinnacles National Park.
Hi Mountain Lookout has been restored as a biological field research station. Tour the interpretive visitor center with condor and other local wildlife displays and an extensive library of local natural history references. Meet with our staff and community volunteers. The anniversary event will include condor radio tracking demonstrations and a guided walking stroll after lunch emphasizing native plant identification, bird watching, and local geology. Volunteers and staff will be participating in several work projects in the morning (meeting time 9a.m., optional).
The event begins at 11 a.m. Join us for a picnic lunch, followed by introductions, condor program updates, and a guided field trip near the lookout. Fund-raising Hi Mtn. Lookout Project merchandize for sale. Saturday overnight camping night near the lookout is optional (no campfires)
Visit the Hi Mountain Lookout Facebook page at To RSVP for the event please contact Steve Schubert at e-mail address: