There are some issues impacting the open house event this Saturday because of the government shutdown and our event almost got cancelled, but we are still on!!
Hi Mountain Campground is closed to all public access and no camping allowed, so all camping this Saturday night will be at 'Cypress Hill' by the lookout.
No campfire permits can be purchased so that means that not even backpacking or camping stoves will be allowed for use, but folks are encouraged to heat their food using the gas stove inside the lookout.
No smoking. Fire danger will be severe, with warm temp. and offshore winds predicted.
We must lock up the lookout/gates and vacate fairly early Sunday morning. The gate before the campground is being kept open for our event, but will get locked after we are out. We will need some volunteer help from those camping out with locking things up.
Please help out with forwarding this information to your friends, colleagues and guests to help get the word out. Thanks!! See you there!