Monday, September 22, 2008

2008 Hi Mt. Open House Event Schedule

Bird Watching Field Trip: 9:00am - 11:30am (Pozo Valley to Hi Mountain)
Meet at Pozo Ranger Station. Carpooling recommended. Habitats: grassland, riparian woodland at Salinas River crossing, valley oak, blue oak and coast-live oak woodlands, chaparral. Easy hiking conditions and car pooling. Advanced registration requested: contact Steve at or #805 528-6138. Leader: Peter Dullea, Hi Mtn. Project Volunteer.
Picnic lunch: 12 noon
  • Bring your own picnic lunch, or, “Condor Special” sack lunches are now available. If you are coming up to join us and want to travel lightly, think about reserving a delicious Condor Sack Lunch Special! Includes a scrumptious Margarita Mercantile sandwich (choice of turkey/jack cheese, ham/cheddar cheese or all cheese (1/2 or whole on french roll)) - you add the condiments, a bag of chips or pretzels, soda or water, and a homemade brownie. 1/2 Sandwich lunch $7 each, Full sandwich lunch $9 each. Call Marcelle with your preferences before Friday Oct. 9th at noon to reserve: 927-1017 (wk.) or 927-3359 (h) or email: (subject “reserve sack lunch”)
    • Hi Mountain Lookout Interpretive Center open - please sign guest register
    • Raffle tickets for sale for annual fundraiser
    Welcoming comments: 12:30
    Introductions, morning birding field trip report (interesting sightings), Hi Mountain Lookout Project year in review and recognition of staff, interns, and volunteers. Updates on the California Condor Recovery Program and Condor staff. Speakers: Steve Schubert, Volunteer Coordinator, Morro Coast Audubon Society, Dr. Francis Villablanca, Cal Poly, SLO, and Cal Poly student interns.
    Raffle drawing for donated prizes (annual fundraiser): 1:15pm
    Afternoon activities and field trips:
    • Condor radio tracking demonstration
    • Geographical landmarks - a 360 degree view from the Pacific Coast to the Sierra Nevada. Geologic features observed from the Lookout - the Rinconada and San Andreas Fault Zones. Speakers: Kevin Cooper, USFS Wildlife Biologist, Steve Schubert, MCAS.
    • Native plant identification walk - along the crest of the Santa Lucia Mountains. Leader: Dr. Dirk Walters, San Luis Obispo Chapter, California Native Plant Society.
    • Animal vocalizations workshop - learn to recognize and imitate common birds and mammals of the Santa Lucia Wilderness. Speaker: Kevin Cooper, USFS, Los Padres National Forest Wildlife Biologist.
    • Feathers Workshop - Learn all about feathers with renowned artist, biologist, and taxonomist John Schmitt. Presenter: John Schmitt, contributing artist to National Geographic Field Guide to Birds.
    • Volunteers training session - radio telemetry, facilities use, and scheduling.
    • Meet with Hi Mountain Lookout staff - Late afternoon sit down chat with condor biologists and staff and reminiscing about experiences in ‘Condor Country’.
    Sunset watch and dinner:
    Gas stove and oven are available for cooking and heating food in the lookout facilities. Participants are encouraged to bring a potluck dish to share with their friends and guests. Note: no campfires are permitted for cooking or during the overnight campout (wear layered clothing).
    Evening guest speakers: 7pm
    • “Summer at Hi Mountain” - Cal Poly summer 2008 student internship slide show.
    • “Trapping and banding birds of prey, Central Mongolia (2007) and South Texas (2008)” - Raptor research slide show by Paul Andreano, past Hi Mtn. Lookout Intern.
    Astronomy observations: after dark
    Telescopic observations of the evening skies, sponsored by members of the Central Coast Astronomical Society.
    Optional Hi Mountain Campout:
    Camping sites are available for Friday and/or Saturday nights at ‘Cypress Hill’ near the lookout. Other vehicle camping sites are located on the ridgeline near the entrance gate - with a view overlooking the mountains and coast - and at the USFS Hi Mountain Campground, located one mile down the road from the lookout. There are picnic tables and outhouses at the campground- bring your own potable water. No open campfires permitted and smoking in enclosed vehicles only.
    For additional information about the open house event and driving directions to Hi Mountain Lookout, see our website at
    Please contact Steve Schubert at or at # (805) 528-6138 to RSVP if you are planning to attend the open house event and the number of people in your group
    See you there!