Cal Poly’s Biological Science Department has funding for one summer intern to staff Hi Mountain for summer 2008 (tracking Calif. Condors, opening the Hi Mountain Interpretive Center, educating the public about condors & the recovery program and providing a presence at the Lookout). We need to fund a second intern. We need to raise $2500.00. THE GOOD NEWS: we already have $1500.00!
IF you can help, please send a check, in any amount you can afford, to:
Morro Coast Audubon Society (check made out to “*MCAS/Hi Mtn Lookout S’08*”)
P.O. Box 1507, Morro Bay, CA 93443-1507
Thanks in advance of any help you can give! Questions? Contact Marcelle Bakula, fundraising volunteer, by (please put “Hi Mtn.” in subject line).
Thank you for your continuing support of the Hi Mt. Condor Lookout Project