Sunday, October 15, 2006

Open House '06 Birding Trip

Sunrise from the top of Hi Mountain on Saturday was nothing less than spectacular! Only three of us showed up for the birding field trip to Huff’s Hole. The rest of you missed a fun walk!!
Among the 37 species:
About 200 VIOLET-GREEN SWALLOWS spent the morning around and sometimes well over the peak. There was 1 VAUX’S SWIFT and a few WHITE-THROATED SWIFTS also at the peak.
On the trail we heard ~10 MT QUAIL. only a few raptors, perhaps because of a lack of wind: RED-TAILED and COOPER’S. No TVs. In the oaks in Huff’s meadow area was a PYGMY OWL that wouldn’t let us alone! It posed in every nearby tree, sat right over our heads and called continually… and no camera.
FOX SPARROWS, mostly of the inland races, were abundant. Only 1 SAGE SPARROW; usually common there. And no Lawrence’s goldfinches; also usually common there.