Monday, June 16, 2003

Hi notes

Monday, June 16, 2003…Finally heard from three Condors: W231, a
three year old Female; B167, a 6 year old Female; and R260, I think
must be a newly released one or two year old Condor (no other
information available). W231 and B167 may have flown over the Cuesta
Grade area to Atascadero area and spent most of the day north of the
lookout there. By 4:30 p.m. the signals were lost, so they may have
gone back to the Ventana area. We ((Joan Carter, Matt Willis (a
resent Cal Poly graduate) and I))only picked up signals from R260 a
couple of times, so don’t know if this young bird was alone or with
the other two…?

We had a visit from Letty French and her two friends from Indiana in
the morning, luckily while the weather at the lookout was still
pleasantly warm and semi bug free. As the day progressed, so did the
heat and the bug count. You may be noticing a theme here…summer
time at the lookout is a gnatcatcher’s and swallow’s dream!
We saw a Great Horned Owl near the last ranch house before the climb
up the mountain. It was sitting there in the morning and still there
in the afternoon when we left. Matt said he saw several Tule Elk in
the same general area when he drove up in the morning.
Bye ’til next time,