Sunday 3-23-03 at Hi Mt.
Today was our first day of actual monitoring after having been checked out
by Steve Schubert a while back. Kathleen Intorf was good enough to meet us
at the ranger station early to get us access to the telemetry equipment. It
was foggy in the Pozo valley at first but cleared off later. Scanning at
1000 Hr produced nothing but later at 1330 we picked up signals from Condor
Y194 at a bearing of 330 degrees. The signal was moderate at first but then
faded to weak then nothing. We were very happy to have made a telemetry
’sighting’ on our first day.
Visitors included the resident BLM manager of Carrizzo Plains along with
her two Flat-coated Retrievers. Also a mtn. biker stopped in.
A grand day.
Dick & Pat Boyd