Tuesday, September 28, 2021

19th Annual Hi Mountain Condor Lookout Open House Event and 25th Anniversary Celebration

Zoom virtual webinar 9:00am – 11:30am on Saturday, October 30, 2021! The annual open house event was cancelled in 2020 due to Covid-pandemic safety guidelines. This year the event is being conducted virtually! The California Central Coast Chapter of The Wildlife Society will be assisting with hosting the Zoom online event this year.

Hi Mountain Lookout has been restored as a biological field research station and visitor center. Take a virtual tour of the interpretive visitor center with condor and other wildlife displays and a collection of local natural history references. The open house schedule includes a ‘meet and greet’ among registered participants, a slide show overview of the 25 year history of the Condor Lookout Project, a virtual tour of the lookout facilities, the geographical landmarks that can be viewed in the distance from the Pacific coast to the snow-covered Sierras, and concluding with a question/answer session and virtual social hour!

Come and discover one of the largest and most endangered flying birds of North America. California Condors are radio tracked by volunteers and Cal Poly student interns from Hi Mountain Lookout, flying from release sites in Central and Southern California. This is an opportunity to learn more about condor biology and the reintroduction of this magnificent endangered species back to the wild.

The Hi Mountain Lookout Project is a collaboration between Morro Coast Audubon Society, U.S. Forest Service at Los Padres National Forest, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service California Condor Recovery Program, Cal Poly Biological Sciences Department, Ventana Wildlife Society, and Pinnacles National Park.

The Hi Mountain Lookout Project was founded in 1996 – join us for a 25 th year anniversary celebration! Participants are requested to register in advance (no fee), at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hi-mountain-condor-lookout-open-house-tickets-173816689397