Saturday, September 26, 2009

8th Annual Hi Mountain Campout and Open House

8th Annual Hi Mountain Condor Lookout Campout and Open House Event
Saturday, October 10, 2009 (all day event)
Hi Mountain Lookout, San Luis Obispo County, Los Padres National Forest

Come and discover one of the largest and most endangered flying birds of North America. California Condors re-introduced into the wild are radiotracked from Hi Mountain Lookout, flying between Big Sur in Central California and the Sespe Condor Sanctuary in Southern California. This is an opportunity for you to learn more about condors and the effort to return these magnificent birds back to the wild. The Hi Mountain Lookout Project is a collaboration between Morro Coast Audubon Society, U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Fish &Wildlife Service, Cal Poly Biological Sciences Department, Ventana Wildlife Society, and Pinnacles National Monument.

Hi Mountain Lookout has been restored as a biological field research station and visitor center. The interpretive visitor center has condor and other local wildlife displays and an extensive library of local natural history references.

The open house event will include condor radiotracking demonstrations, native plant identification, bird watching, and a local geology walking stroll. Volunteers and staff will be participating in a number of work projects throughout the day.

Join us for a potluck dinner, complimentary serving of wine by staff from Saucelito Canyon Winery and cheese tasting,live band music, and enjoy the sunset watch. Overnight camping is optional.

There will be Hi Mountain hats and other merchandise for sale and a fundraising auction, with the proceeds supporting our lookout project.

8th Annual Hi Mountain Condor Lookout Campout and Open House Event

8th Annual Hi Mountain Condor Lookout Campout and Open House Event
Saturday, October 10, 2009 (all day event)
Hi Mountain Lookout, San Luis Obispo County, Los Padres National Forest
Come and discover one of the largest and most endangered flying birds of North America. California Condors re-introduced into the wild are radiotracked from Hi Mountain Lookout, flying between Big Sur in Central California and the Sespe Condor Sanctuary in Southern California. This is an opportunity for you to learn more about condors and the effort to return these magnificent birds back to the wild. The Hi Mountain Lookout Project is a collaboration between Morro Coast Audubon Society, U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Fish &Wildlife Service, Cal Poly Biological Sciences Department, Ventana Wildlife Society, and Pinnacles National Monument.
Hi Mountain Lookout has been restored as a biological field research station and visitor center. The interpretive visitor center has condor and other local wildlife displays and an extensive library of local natural history references.
The open house event will include condor radiotracking demonstrations, native plant identification, bird watching, and a local geology walking stroll. Volunteers and staff will be participating in a number of work projects throughout the day.
Join us for a potluck dinner, complimentary serving of wine by staff from Saucelito Canyon Winery and cheese tasting,live band music, and enjoy the sunset watch. Overnight camping is optional.
There will be Hi Mountain hats and other merchandise for sale and a fundraising auction, with the proceeds supporting our lookout project.