Sunday, November 12, 2006

2006 VWS Bald Eagle Survey Results

Hello Everyone: I would first like to THANK all of the volunteers who spend hours each year monitoring the Bald Eagle nestsites in your area. Many of you are recipiants of this e-mail. If I missed anyone, please forward. A heartfelt thanks for your continued dedication and support.
This Survey includes confirmed bald eagle nestsites along the Calfornia Central Coast Region, excluding Lake Cachuma in Santa Barbara County. This covers an area from just North of San Francisco Bay Area, East to Interstate 5 and South to Santa Barbara County.
Locations given are intentional VAGUE in order to protect them. Many, if not all of these nestsites are from first, second, even third generation REINTRODUCTION efforts of bald eagles from either Ventana Wildllife Society, at their Big Sur fieldstation , or Institute for Wildlife Studies restoration efforts on Catalina Island, . Please checkout their websites for more information on their bald eagle restoration efforts and other exciting programs. The number of nestsite territories and eaglets that actually fledge each year is probably higher than given, for in some cases the nests have been in existance and productive longer than reported to me AND let’s face it………… this is a HUGE area to monitor . Helicopter surveys would give a more accurate accounting of what is actually taking place each season, but the overall trend of continued expansion is apparent and a credit to the two non-profits listed above , and all the collaborators of the CA. Bald Eagle Working Team. As you read below…………… a lot can be said for the obvious benefits of man-made reservoirs for the successful restoration efforts of Bald Eagles.
I Alemeda County:
1) Del Valle Territory: Two eaglets on private ranch in Grey/Foothill Pine. Adult female, Ventana Wildlife Society (4G) legband, 1991 release (Canadian bald eagle). Male unbanded.
Between 1996 and 2002, this pair has fledged 7 eaglets. I need data for 2003. Please e-mail me. In 2004 they fledged two eaglets. In 2005 they fledged one eaglet. They have built two known nests, both Grey/Foothill Pines.
Between 1996 and 2006, this pair has fledged * Twelve (12) eaglets.
*(this may change once status is given on 2003 nesting season).
Total known eaglets for Alemeda County is Twelve(12), commencing 1996.
II Contra Costa County:
1) San Pablo Territory: NEW NESTING TERRITORY
Two eaglets in Pine tree (Grey/Foothill ?) . I am looking forward to meeting with biologist in the area next Spring in order to get more details and see if adults have leg bands, etc.
Please e-mail, and/or call me in Spring 2007 to arrange.
Total known eaglets for Contra Costa County is Two (2), commencing 2006.
III Monterey County:
1) Fort Hunter Liggett : El Piejo Territory: The 2004 Valley Oak nest tree is back in production ! One eaglet has fledged. The 2005 Foothill Pine nest tree died and collapsed over this past winter. I suspect, but can not confirm until 2007, that the adult female is the
original Ventana Wildlife Society (4 A) legband, 1991 release (Canadian eagle). Male unbanded. This pair has built at least four (4) nests.
This pair has fledged fourteen (14) eaglets , commencing 1997.
2) Fort Hunter Liggett: San Antonio Territory: NEW NESTING TERRITORY
Two eaglets in a Valley Oak. Unknown if adults are banded.
This pair has fledged two (2) eaglets commencing 2006.
3) Lake San Antonio: Two eaglets in Blue Oak. Initially, both Adult bald eagles were 1993
Ventana Wildlife Society released Alaskan birds. This nesting pair has built at least four (4) nests. This pair has fledged nine (9) eaglets, commencing 2000.
Total production in 2006 for Monterey County is five (5).
Total known eaglets for Monterey County is twenty-five (25), commencing 1997.
IV San Benito County:
1)Paicines Territory: Two eaglets in Valley Oak located on private property where access is an issue……….. therefore, nothing is known about this adult pair.
Total production in 2006 for San Benito County is two (2).
Total known eaglets for San Benito County is eight (8), commencing 2003.
V Santa Clara County:
1) Calaveras Territory: NEW NESTING TERRITORY
Two eaglets hatched, but both died. One at 4 1/2 weeks of age and the second at 7-8 weeks of age. This territory may have been used ultilized for several years. There are two nesting trees close by, both are in Coast Live Oaks. Looking forward to meeting with local biologist in the area next Spring to get more details and see if adults have any leg bands.
2) Isabella Territory: Status unknown. Will hopefully be able to confirm it’s existance in Spring 2007. Rumored to be active a number of years now.
Currently, no known confirmed fledging of eaglets in Santa Clara County.
VI San Luis Obispo County :
1) Tierra Redonda Territory: No reported change for the past 6 years, site remains unoccupied. Adult pair are/were Ventana Wildlife Society (1 N) and (1 K) 1988 release (Canadian eagles). They are known to have fledged twelve (12) eaglets from five (5) nests.
First successful in 1993. All nests in Foothill pines on private property where accesss became an issue.
2) Las Tablas, Lake Nacimiento (Irving): Two eaglets in Foothill Pine. Adult female is Ventana Wildlife Society (3N), 1990 Canadian eagle release. Male is unbanded. First nest built in 1995, success began in 1996. All three nests were built in immediate area in Foothill Pines, two of which in the same tree.
This pair has fledged sixteen (16) eaglets, commencing 1996.
3) Dip Creek @ Oakshores Pair #1, Lake Nacimiento: Two eaglets in Foothill Pine on the Shoreline of this very busy recreational lake. Initially, both adult eagles were Ventana Wildlife Society (5E & 5P) 1993 Alaskan released eagles. Have built two nests, both in Foothill Pines.
This pair has fledged twelve (12) eaglets commencing in 1998.
4) Dip Creek Pair #2, Lake Nacimiento: Status unknown, for unable to locate new nest which must be inland on private property. This pair has produced three (3) eaglets, commencing in 2004.
5) Bee Rock, Lake Nacimiento: Two eaglets in Foothill Pine. Both adults are unbanded.
This pair has fledged seven (7) eaglets, commencing 2003.
6) Camp Roberts: No production. This is the fourth year in the same Sycamore tree. They have yet to produce offspring.
7) Lopez Lake: Two eaglets in Sycamore Tree on private property. Unknown if adults are banded.
This pair has fledged four (4) eaglets commencing 2005.
Total production in 2006 for San Luis Obispo County is eight (8).
Total known eaglets for San Luis Obispo County is fifty-four (54), commencing 1993.
Therefore, Total number of Bald eaglets fledging in 2006 on the CA Central Coast Region (excluding Lake Cachuma) is nineteen (19).
Total number since 1993, (excluding Lake Cachuma) is One hundred one (101).
(this includes 3 previously un-reported eaglets from Del Valle in 2004/2005).
Respectly submitted,
Sal & Ada Lucido
Bald Eagle Survey Coordinators
Co-founders & Advisors
Ventana Wildlife Society

Friday, November 10, 2006

Condors on KSBY TV

Tonight on the news Anchorwoman Wendy Thies aired her onsite interviews
and reported on the recent California Condor release at Bitter Creek
National Wildlife Refuge. The 5 minute news ‘exclusive’ was well-done
with a very good overview of the history of the condor recovery program
and the efforts there at Bitter Creek refuge. Our own Hi Mtn. volunteer
Marcelle Bakula also attended the release that day and made a written
report previously to this listserv.
This condor news segment will be repeating on KSBY-tv news airing
tonight -Nov. 10th - at 11pm. Wendy Thies also interviewed staff and
volunteers covering the Hi Mountain Lookout Project on KSBY-tv news in
June of 2005. We appreciate the news coverage.
Steve Schubert